How was KOSEUNTI Founded?

The answer is beyond human’s understanding because “KOSEUNTI IS GOD”.
As a matter of fact, “KOSEUNTI is God’s establishment, a divine endowment from God for his servant, Late Prophet and Evangelist DR T.O. Obadare.
“KOSEUNTI” It is a place of special prayers for everybody without discrimination, be it religion or church denomination, and it started fifty years ago.


I began a three-day prayer and fasting as God directed me to do, on December
29th 1969 to round up the year, the session was end on 31st of December of the same year.
On the afternoon of the the second of the three days prayer session, I in the midst of eight others I saw the figure of somebody by my side. This person called my name thrice, and inquired to know if I will be prepared to accomplish a great task he wish to assign to me.
Yes I will, if the lord empowers me to! Answered, assuredly. Then the divine voice revealed the complexity and enormityof the task, I was to accomplish.
Before, this time, it became clear to me that the figure and the voice were from God Almighty. The Lord said the world is suffering, because of sin , people of the world were afflicted by disease and divers sicknesses.
The Lord told me that any town or home , which lacks light, shall be overtaken by darkness. And that was what happened in Nigeria ‘before the Lord himself raise a faithful servant – late Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola,in 1930 when light and life were restored.
Im February 1933, God removed the power in the concoction mainly of leaves prepared by herbalists for their clients. Since the herbalist have continue to exploit those who go to them for assistance, not realizing how empty they and their occupation had become.
Herbalists have long become empty and hence impotent. The people could no longer get healing from the herbalists.
Lots of people die in their primes. Satan has cast a spell over many people who have not know the savior. Evil doer are on the increase what annoys God most, is that Christian churches no longer depend on him for rescue and healing, instead they delight in directing their members to hospitals and herbalist homes. Most Spiritual churches which hitherto depended only on faith is not unconnected with the disappearance, from their midst the Power of the Holy Spirit, which had been the source of the power in them, they relied in it for faith healing.

These deviation has resulted in People including those professed Christians to be afflicted by sickness for as long as six years or more without receiving healing.

The Lord says He pities the entire nation because enemies have disrupted the lives of many people. Most barren women had become helpless and confused of what to do to their harrowing conditions.

Many women die without bringing forth children. Some of those who are productive end up with still birth and children who die prematurely have gone on the increase.
Almost everybody in the society wants to get rich quickly and believes that this ambition can only be achieve by relying in the use of black medicine. Some join groups such as familiar spirits, witch craft and mermaids, have requested from satan who in turn have flooded the world with long-term pregnancies for both young and old prospectively mothers. The Lord carefully told me of the variety of difficulties facing the people and those, which will confront in the immediate future. He promised through me to establish a place pilgrimages for People to converge bringing their many problems which defy all forms of solutions. This; the Lord promise to do because “I am the Lord God that does not fail”
The place for this pilgrimage shall be known and called” OLUWA OLORUN KOSEUNTI”
Translated to mean the “place of the Lord who never fails”
The Lord directed me that the meeting shall be held initially on 1st of every month, and then to two days fasting to three days and finally raising to seven days that point it remains. You are however expected by the Lord never to stay away from the monthly KOSEUNTI meetings not even when you be far away from Nigeria doing some kind of cruising round the World, you must be present at the meetings.

The Lord said that when some people are asked why they have stopped going to church their replies are more often than not, that one disease or the other which they are suffering from makes it impossible for them to be at the church services, He therefore decided to stop these complaints through the establishment of KOSEUNTI Monthly Prayer Meetings.

The Lord promise to grant the KOSEUNTI meetings, power and authority so that miraculous act can be perform with ease.

“Dig a well or sink a borehole, the Lord instructed, which water everybody shall use for the treatment of all king of ailments including such problems as may not have medical interpretations.
The Lord promises to abolish medicine and uses for the second time.
He, having done before in the 1930’s. It regretted that people have gone back to the use of medicine which had once been abolished during the time of great
Apostle Ayo Babalola.